Thursday, May 3, 2012

My 100th Post!

When I started this blog, I intended to use it as a means of communicating with my family and close friends, since I knew I wouldn’t have time to catch up completely via skype or email.  I had no idea that my blog would become so popular, or that it would become so important to me.  Especially toward the beginning of my stay in Sarajevo, writing blog posts was a great way to step back and reflect on my experiences, which often seemed strange and overwhelming.  By deciding to focus on what is most memorable, and by trying to stay positive about my impulsive decision to move halfway around the world, writing my blog has helped me keep an open-minded and upbeat attitude. 
Surprisingly, a lot of old friends, acquaintances, and even strangers have been reading my entries. My blog has had close to 8000 hits, from countries all over the world!  It’s very flattering, and a little bit scary, that so many people are interested in my experiences and what I think.  I’m glad that I can share what I’m learning about Bosnia and Sarajevo.  More importantly, I hope that I am successful in encouraging my readers to be more adventuresome and learn more about other countries and cultures.
            The other day, I tried to go back and re-read what I’ve written.  I only made it through my first few entries.  I don’t know why, but reading my old posts makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable.  However, some of the things I wrote now seem quite humorous.  For example on my second post, I wrote that “it might take a few days” to get internet set up in my apartment.  Little did I know it would become 2 months of anxious waiting!  I also didn’t expect that so many of my friends would be Albanian, so I laughed as I read a post from late-September, when I first learned that Albanians do not speak the same language as Bosnians.  How could I not have known that?
            I’m sure that one day it will be easier for me to go back and re-read this blog.  I look forward to being able to relive my 10 months here as the memories start to fade.  In the meantime, I still have a lot to do in the next two months, and look forward to sharing them!  So keep reading. J

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