Saturday, May 26, 2012


Well, I'm having a little bit of writer's block, but I thought I'd try to post something this weekend, while I have some free time.  My sisters arrive on Monday, and I have four concerts next week, so I'm predicting a pretty hectic end of May.  I can't believe it's already almost June, and that the season will end in just a little bit over one month!
I was recently talking to Sara about how our attitudes and opinions have changed over the course of the year.  I think we've gone through similar phases.  At first, I was in shock: scared but also very excited to try so many new things.  By the winter, I was getting into a routine, and made some close friends quite quickly.  I love having a full-time performance job and an active social life, and thought that if I didn't miss Ross so much, I would never want to leave.  This spring, I started feeling more contented about the fact that my time here will end.  I will miss my friends terribly, but the daily commute is so tiring, and I've been getting more frustrated during disorganized orchestra rehearsals.  I am lucky that I have a great life in Chicago to go back to, even though it sometimes feels like a sort of distant dream.  So I  think I'm ready for July 2nd to roll around.
Anyway, it's been pretty rainy in Sarajevo since my last update, so I haven't done much beside go to rehearsals, make reeds, and practice.  I've also been enjoying some home-cooked Bosnian meals: Admir cooked a delicious vegetable dish for me and Sara on Tuesday night, and Adi taught us how to make Palacinke (Bosnian pancakes/crepes) on Thursday.  Yum.
Starting tomorrow, I am playing with a high school orchestra that is preparing benefit concerts on Wednesday and Thursday.  It will be interesting to get a taste of what high school music education is like in Sarajevo.  Maybe it will give me something to write about...

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