Saturday, June 2, 2012

High School Orchestra

          I am finally recovering today after a very exhausting week.  Even though it was tiring, I am pleased that my time was filled with playing music, meeting new people, and spending time with my sisters and my friends.  I just need to push through another few busy days and then I will have a bit of free time (and finally some good weather I hope!) to enjoy my last month in Sarajevo.
            On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, my roommate and I volunteered to play for two fundraising concerts with the orchestra of Sarajevo’s music high school.  I didn’t know what to expect, so I felt cheerful and inspired when I attended a rehearsal and found the kids to be enthusiastic and focused.  We played a series of popular opera songs, accompanying singers from throughout the region.  Both of our concerts were successful and well attended, especially the performance in Sarajevo.  We played in the army hall, and it was filled to the brim with proud parents, a few journalists, and even some of my colleagues.  Having such a positive experience with a high school group made me hopeful about the future of classical music in Sarajevo.
            In the meantime, my sisters arrived on Monday afternoon.  I used my free time on Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon to make sure they got to see some of my favorite places in Ilidza and Sarajevo.  I knew that I wouldn’t have time to spend with them on Thursday and Friday, so I sent them on a bus to Dubrovnik on Thursday morning.  I can finish playing tour guide after they return.  I felt a little bit guilty sending them away, but they love Croatia.  Actually, I am a little bit jealous that they were sitting on a beach, drinking cocktails, while I've been chugging my way through rehearsals.  Oh well... as some of my colleagues would say: "what you can do?"

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