Sunday, May 20, 2012

Playing Tour Guide

           My parents left on Tuesday morning, and I’m so glad that they had the chance to visit me here.  We left at the crack of dawn on Friday morning to take a bus to Dubrovnik.  The bus ride took a little bit longer than expected, nearly eight hours!  We were held up for a long time at the first border crossing between Bosnia and Croatia, and to make matter worse, the air conditioner was broken it was extremely hot on the bus.  So my parents got a small taste of how difficult it can be to travel into and out of Sarajevo. J  At least the scenery between Sarajevo and Dubrovnik is so beautiful that it makes the long bus ride worth the trip.
Croatian Coastline

            When we got to Dubrovnik, we only had a short walk to find our hotel, which was very convenient.  My dad went to the desk to check in, and was quickly informed that the hotel’s air conditioning system was broken.  We all groaned, but decided to stick it out anyway.  By the evening, the city had cooled off, and upon opening the window, we were able to get our room to a reasonable temperature before going to sleep.
            We spent Friday afternoon and evening walking around the old city of Dubrovnik.  It was just as charming as I remembered from my first visit, although this time it was brimming with tourists.  Despite the crowds, I still enjoyed walking down the old main street, the “Stradun”, and sitting out on the piers looking out toward the island of Lokrum.  I think my parents also enjoyed the stroll, as well as seeing all of the unique old-fashioned boats.
Mom and Dad in Dubrovnik
            We woke up very early again on Saturday to return to Sarajevo, via a three-hour stop in Mostar.  It was nice to break up the bus ride into two shorter chunks, and although we got stuck on the same bus without air-conditioning, at least we were able to get off of it after only a few hours into the ride.  Once we got to the bus station in Mostar, I could confidently lead my parents in the direction of the old city.  Mostar is always picture perfect, so my mom and dad spent a lot of time taking photographs.  I already have so many pictures of Mostar, and could finally sit back and enjoy it more this time around.  I made sure to take my parents to my favorite restaurant, on the west side of the old bridge.  By the time we finished eating, looking around the old city, and shopping for a few souvenirs, it was already time to catch a mid-afternoon bus back to Sarajevo.
Taking pictures on the old bridge
            Saturday was a very long day; after getting back from our trip, we had just an hour to eat dinner, change, and head off to a concert.  The Radio-Television Orchestra of Slovenia was in town for a local music festival.  They are a pretty strong group of musicians, and played a short concert of some well-known hits from various operas.  My parents liked seeing the concert, but especially liked eating, drinking, and meeting new people during the post-concert reception.  Somehow, my mom managed to meet the Austrian ambassador to Bosnia and invite him to visit Colorado.
            My parents also spent Sunday and Monday in Sarajevo, but we spent most of the time recovering from the Dubrovnik trip.  It was hard not to feel sleepy, since the weather suddenly changed from hot and sunny to cold and, believe it or not, snowing!  I can’t believe that after sweating on a 90-degree bus from Mostar to Sarajevo on Saturday evening, I woke up to several inches of snow by Monday morning!  Very strange… although the same thing happens in Colorado, so my parents didn’t seem too shocked.  They braved the cold air and soggy streets to visit me in Otes, and finally see my neighborhood and my apartment.  Now, I’m looking forward to played tour guide again when my sisters arrive next week!
May 14th, 2012!

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