Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ross is Coming!

Ross’s flight is scheduled to arrive in Sarajevo in just a couple of hours, and I’m so anxious to see him.  Before I see him, time gets slower and slower, and two hours seems like an eternity!
Ross’s parents are also flying to Sarajevo, and I look forward to showing them around the city and taking them to check out the upcoming Sarajevo guitar festival.
Anyway, I might get a little bit behind on my blogging, since I will be busy with Ross, his parents, the guitar festival, my quintet, and preparing for the April Philharmonic performances.  We are only playing five shows this month: two Peter and the Wolf shows on Tuesday, the premiere and reprise of Eugene Onegin toward the end of the month, and a reprise of the ballet on the 30th.  However, we still have a completely full schedule because the opera will take so much preparation.  At least I will have a few days free this week, so I can watch Ross participate in the guitar festival and show his parents how much Sarajevo is a great city!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, wish you a nice time in Sarajevo ! We love people from outside, and enjoy the Cevapcicis on Bascarsija :D
    Would be happy if i see a post on my blog?
    Best regards
